Reporting Your Assessments

As a TIPA Consulting Use Licensee you are requested to look here viagra for sale online report your TIPA assessments performed at your client’s as part of your consulting services. It is important that you report your TIPA assessments.

First, reporting is the first step to get the certificate for the update online kamagra assessment you have performed.In addition, the reporting process gathers valuable information e.g. on the industries where TIPA is used, the various context in which TIPA is applied, the processes assessed, or the level achieved.

This information is used to get testimonial and feedback on the usage of TIPA. It is essential for the TIPA development team to get feedback and share with the market to adapt and improve the TIPA framework.

Lastly, the data reported is consolidated and rendered anonymous to feed the benchmarking database. Benchmarking is interesting only if you can compare your individual results with a large pool of results from the same industry or from comparable contexts. Each assessment reported contributes to the quality of the overall benchmarking in TIPA.

How To Report Your Assessment In 5 Steps: